Marian College is fortunate in being able to remain small with a friendly, family atmosphere which comes from teachers and students knowing each other well. Every student at Marian is nurtured and her skills and talents fostered. Students have every opportunity to contribute through participation, service and leadership.
Our school culture is based on traditional values and expectations and Marian is also focused on supporting future-oriented teaching and learning. Marian College is committed to preparing students with the skills they need for the real world environment. Marian uses information technology for blended inquiry based learning and we use google applications extensively.
Marian girls are involved with service to the community. Staff strive to create a positive climate, which is conducive to effective learning with the development of personal responsibility, using collaboration, problem solving and encouraging students to be critical thinker
Click the sections below to find out more about school life at Marian.
The Gospel values are at the heart of our Catholic Special Character at Marian College with particular emphasis on our charisms from St Mary of the Cross MacKillop and Venerable Catherine McAuley. Our Special Character creates an “encounter with the living God” (NZ Catholic Education of School Age Children) in order for our students to develop “a life-long relationship with Jesus and the Church” (Tō Tātou Whakapono: Our Faith).
Our Special Character encompasses growth and knowledge of the Catholic tradition and deepens the encountering with Christ through religious education as an academic subject and a ministry programme that nurtures and supports the development of our students’ faith and spiritual journey. All students participate in a variety of aspects of liturgical life and ministry through prayer, school wide Masses, Liturgies, Retreats and different outreach missions. Our Sacramental Programme are the means by which students are supported to complete their journey into full membership of the Catholic church.
There are opportunities to be a servant leader, serving as an Extraordinary Minister, Lector, Altar Servers, Musicians, Retreat helpers and /or being active members of the Special Character Group, Young Vinnies, Rosary Group and Combined Catholic School’s Alpha Group. We also invite students to explore service and social justice opportunities in our city, nationally and abroad.
Marian has an enviable reputation for creating a supportive sporting environment and is known for ‘punching above its weight’ when it comes to performance.
We perform extraordinarily well at provincial and national level across a diverse range of sports. All students are encouraged to participate in sport, and over 75% of students choose to play sport for the school.
Past national futsal and football champions, we also perform to a high level across a number of sporting codes such as; netball, rowing and hockey. We proudly support a number of students who represent New Zealand in international sporting competitions.
Not only do we value participation in the sports themselves but support students whose passion lies with umpiring , refereeing or coaching. Developing and empowering our students to be leaders using sport as the vehicle is a great way for students to also achieve their service goals. Past pupils of Marian College have a reputation for returning to help with sport which reflects their enjoyment as students and the welcoming community.
Summer and Winter sports include: Aerobics, Football, Softball, Archery, Futsal, Swimming, Athletics, Gymnastics, Table Tennis, Badminton, Hockey, Tennis, Basketball, Indoor Netball, Touch, Cricket, Netball, Trampolining, Cross Country, Rock Climbing, Triathlon, Rowing, Volleyball, Equestrian, Rugby, Water Polo, Korfball Sevens
At Marian College we embrace a rich tapestry of cultural identities including Māori, Pasifika, Asian and Indian.
Involvement is encouraged in all areas of cultural life at Marian including Kapa Haka performances, Manu Kōrero, wearable arts and cultural evening, Bishop Lyons cultural celebration and the opportunity to compete at regional competitions.
The Pasifika group perform regularly at the esteemed Polyfest and also the wearable arts and cultural evening and Bishop Lyons cultural celebration.
These groups are open to students from any cultural background to join.
There are a variety of musical extra-curricular groups at Marian College that students can be involved with. These groups include choir, jazz band, rock/pop band, barbershop, chamber ensembles and ukulele orchestra. These groups are widely involved in community music events and competitions.
Music Lessons
Under the itinerant music teachers’ scheme there are lessons available for voice and for a number of instruments. Please follow the link below for more information and to complete the registration form.
Please contact HOLA Music, Miranda Scott, if you have any questions:
All year 9 students have a term in Drama, focused on building the foundation for acting skills in improv, devising, and scriptwork. From year 10 onwards, students are exposed to a range of theatre forms, such as clowning, Commedia dell'Arte, mime, melodrama and shadow theatre, as well as exploring script work and having opportunities to create and write their own performances.
Year 10-13 are given the opportunity to go and watch live productions with their classmates, and we have often invited a variety of experts such as stage practitioners and make-up designers to come and work on unique skills with our students.
Outside the classroom, all students can join our junior and senior Theatresports teams, which compete against other schools in terms 3 and 4. This can also be a casual opt in to learn new games, skills and meet others.
With the move to our new school and new facilities, we will be reintroducing school productions where students can join in as actors, singers, dancers, as well as opportunities to participate behind the scenes in costumes, sets, props and technology.
Students with learning needs benefit from Marian College’s small size and nurturing, caring environment. The college’s aim is to help all students feel successful and motivated.
Student learning is enhanced by inclusive teaching and learning practices within the classroom. For students with identified learning needs, further support is provided through other programmes.
Alternative learning pathways are made available for high needs learners and extra literacy support is also provided for junior students. Students who participate in these programmes work in small classes, or individually, and use a variety of resources to help with their studies.
Where appropriate individual education plans (IEP) are developed in consultation with the student and her family.
Junior students are further supported in their learning through the school’s connection with the RTLB service which can result in a collaborative learning plan for the student.
The school is committed to giving support to all students requiring help with their studies. Emphasis is on the development of independent learning skills, thinking skills and self-management and interpersonal communications skills.
Student leadership at Marian College is encouraged across the year groups.
Training and support is provided to help students develop their leadership skills. Staff foster student leadership through ongoing informal support in and out of classes and in co-curricular activities.
There are various formal opportunities for student leadership:
Whānau, formerly known as House Groups and Wā Whānau or 'Family Time' play an important role in ensuring students feel connected to the school, their peers and their teachers.
There are four Whānau at Marian College:
Brodie (Blue/Kikorangi) is named after one of the early Bishops of Christchurch.
Deans (Green/Kakariki) is named after an early Canterbury family with their historical family home at Deans Bush in Canterbury.
Seymour (Yellow/Kowhai) is named after one of the first four ships to bring settlers to Canterbury, the “Sir George Seymour”
Takahe (Red/Whero) is named after a native bird which used to roam freely on the Canterbury Plains.
There is a wide variety of inter-Whānau events held regularly throughout the year, most notably swimming and athletics sports, and house singing on Feast Day.
Within each Whānau, there are six Wā Whānau groups of 16-18 students from all year levels and one staff member. Wā Whānau meet several times a week and this creates a close and friendly atmosphere of Marian College students of different ages, enabling seniors to look after juniors and ensuring new students have a sense of belonging.
Peer Support
The first contact with Marian College students after enrolment is with their Year 12 Peer Support Leaders. Each Wā Whānau has up to two Peer Support Leaders whose role is to look after the Year 9 students and introduce them to college life. Peer Support Groups meet regularly during Term 1 to ensure new students settle in and have the opportunity to make new friends in their Wā Whānau groupps.
The size of Marian College encourages a close and friendly atmosphere. We value the parent/school partnership in educating the young people in our care. The staff strive to create the right climate, which is conducive to effective learning by development of personal responsibility and autonomy.
Respect for self and respect for others are the basic guidelines emphasized within the college. Individual responsibility is encouraged.
The deputy principal, guidance counsellor, deans, pastoral chaplain and house group teachers make up the pastoral team. The deans take a particular interest in the general development and progress of the students under their care.
The guidance counsellor is available to students and their families to discuss, confidentially, issues that may be of concern to them. Students may be referred to outside agencies as appropriate.
Contact Details
Fax +64 3 385 1022
General Enquiries:
Financial Enquiries:
Postal Address
2 Lydia Street
Christchurch 8052