Frequently Asked Questions about Marian College
We hope you will find this page helpful in answering your questions and finding out more about Marian College.
If what you're looking for isn't here - please phone the school office or email us - contact details are at the bottom of this page.
For students entering Year 9, you can apply to enrol at any time until the deadline date listed on our Enrolment Information page (this date is usually the third week in July the year prior to Year 9 starting).
For Year 10-13 students, you can apply at any time. We operate waiting lists for these year levels.
Our enrolment application system will allow you to apply many years in advance. Whilst it is certainly helpful for us to have an idea of numbers looking to apply for each year, the date of your application (provided it is received before the deadline date for the relevant year) does not factor into any decision making around offering a place. In addition, for a Preference application, the Preference Certificate we require you to supply must be less than two years old.
Our enrolment application process is all online, and will require you to upload documents electronically. We suggest that you complete the application on a computer rather than a phone. We do not have any paper-based application forms.
Our online application process is split into two stages:
We are a family school with a maximum roll of 430 as set by our Integration Agreement. Our school has a friendly atmosphere with teachers and students knowing each other well.
Class sizes at Marian College are strictly limited.
At Year 9 level, we take a maximum of 90 students each year, split into three classes of 30 students each.
Marian College is a Catholic special character school under the State Integration Act.
The preference is for students to be Catholic, which is why the term ‘preference enrolment’ or ‘preference student’ is used.
Your daughter may be eligible for enrolment as a preference student if she is:
To confirm your daughter’s status as a preference student, a preference certificate for Marian College is required from a parish priest.
Under the State Integration Act, up to five percent of our total student roll may be ‘non-preference’ or ‘non-Catholic’ students, provided there are less than 430 students after all Catholic preference applicants have been enrolled.
If you have any questions, please contact the Marian College office on 03-385-8449.
We are continuing to accept enrolment applications for Year 9, 2026 through to our deadline date of 1pm, Friday 25th July 2025. We cannot accept any late applications, nor include any applications that remain incomplete as at the deadline date.
We will be holding a ballot, if necessary, on Wednesday 30th July, 2025.
All applicants will be emailed to advise the outcome of their application by the end of the day on Thursday 31st July, 2025.
The cost of attending Marian College is comparable to other Catholic secondary schools in Christchurch.
In some instances Marian College is more affordable – for example some team sport uniforms are provided and fundraising, subsidising and grants help reduce the costs of school activities.
You can see a break-down of costs on the Fees Page.
Also, some financial contributions to the school are classed as a donation and are tax deductible.
This means you can claim back 33.33% of your contributions using the IR526 tax credit claim form.
Our Finance Administrator can help with working out payments to suit your family - for example, payments can be made weekly, fortnightly or monthly by automatic payment.
Contact Details
Fax +64 3 385 1022
General Enquiries:
Financial Enquiries:
Postal Address
2 Lydia Street
Christchurch 8052