The Marian Foundation Scholarship is awarded to one student each year, subject to the conditions set out below.
The scholarship is awarded to the top academic student among the incoming Year 9 students.
Choosing the Recipient
The recipient of the scholarship with be determined from the results of the assessment tests carried out in Term 4 of the year of acceptance of enrolment (at the Orientation Day). There are three tests including English, Mathematics, and Reasoning Skills. The recipient of the scholarship will be the top ranked student from the combined score of these tests. The tests are processed by the University of Canterbury's Curriculum, Evaluation, and Management (CEM) Centre. Under the terms of agreement the CEM Centre has with schools, the results will be confidential.
The scholarship is for tuition financial contributions only. These financial contributions are to be for the: general purpose, Special Character, and Marian Foundation financial contributions.
The recipient of the award is to be a current Marian College student. The scholarship is initially for two years. At the end of Year 10, and then annually, the scholarship will be reviewed. Renewal is dependent on the student's satisfactory academic progress (as determined by the principal). The scholarship ceases when the student leaves the college.
The successful student must:
Announcement of the Award
The recipient of the scholarship is generally announced in the last Marian College newsletter for the school year (which will be emailed to all parents/caregivers, including those of the incoming Year 9) and will be presented at the Marian College Junior Prizegiving of that year.
Marian Foundation Scholarship Past Recipients
2006 Catherine Hay
2007 Eden Russell
2008 Rebecca Rhodes
2009 Megan Cumberpatch
2010 Rebecca Wouters
2011 Charlotte Baxter
2012 Megan Ralston
2013 Krysta Wills, Melissa Pearce, Emillie Crosby
2014 Ella Walls
2015 Nadine Booster
2016 Emily Fyall
2017 Lola Mill
2018 Kiera Worthington
2019 Liana Borkus
2020 Hayley Chapman
2021 Rosie Mones-Cazon
2022 Seyara De Silva
2023 Emma Mahoney
2024 Amelie Hignett
2025 Niamh Savage
Contact Details
Fax +64 3 385 1022
General Enquiries:
Financial Enquiries:
Postal Address
2 Lydia Street
Christchurch 8052