Bus Information 2025

Buses available for Marian College students to use are:

To read the information on which buses go from which areas across the city please see the blue button below.

The timetables for 2025 school services can be found online here:

Below are the main routes for Marian College:

  • Route 722 from Waimakariri
  • Route 792/791 from Parklands. Please note there is a separate bus for Marian students in the morning which is the 792. The route has been extended to Prestons Park Drive to accommodate more students in the am. ​​​​​​​ All students travelling home in the afternoon will catch the 791 bus which is combined with Burnside, Papanui and St Bedes. This bus collects students on Main North Road outside Pak n Save.
  • Route 742 from McCormack’s Bay (coordinates with 741 from Sumner) has been extended. Students also have the option of route 3. Please note route 742 does not run on Wednesdays, as it historically has not due to student sports.


  • Students should always treat drivers with respect.
  • No food or drinks are to be consumed on the bus. Any food or drinks brought on the bus must be in sealed containers. All rubbish must be removed by the student.
  • No smoking or vaping is allowed on the bus.
  • Students must be seated and remain seated while the bus is in motion unless there are no vacant seats. In this case, a student standing, must hold onto the supplied handrails at all times.
  • Noise is to be always kept at a reasonable low level.
  • No dangerous or unlawful activity will be tolerated. Drivers observing such activity will stop the bus and potentially call the police.
  • No graffiti to be drawn on seats or any other part the bus.

Note: All buses are fitted with cameras. Any inappropriate activities will be recorded, and details forwarded to the relevant school contact for follow up action.


As Metro customers, students can help us provide an excellent public transport experience by:

  • Being respectful to fellow passengers, your driver and the Metro team
  • Respecting public transport vehicles and facilities, helping us keep them clean, tidy and in good condition
  • Letting us know when things need attending to. We want to hear from you so we can address any issues and keep making public transport better

You are responsible for:

  • Respecting other peoples' rights
  • Paying the correct fare
  • Following signage within the bus and any reasonable instructions from Metro staff
  • Taking any rubbish with you

This means that you will not:

  • Harass or interfere with the comfort or safety of other people on the bus
  • Threaten or bully other people on the bus
  • Swear or use offensive language
  • Eat, drink alcohol, smoke or vape on the bus
  • Tag, graffiti or damage the bus in any way

You can:

  • Bring a drink on the bus with a secure lid
  • Bring food that is contained in a secure package
  • Listen to music with your headphones on.

Latest Update from Metro

Bus Fare Information for 2023

Visit here for all the infomation regarding fares for students. Using the metrocard is recommended for all students. Cando cards can also be use through until June 2024.