Haere mai, talofa lava and welcome!
Thank you for your interest in Marian College
About Us
Marian College is a Catholic state-integrated school for Year 9 to 13 girls and as a faith-based school, we aim to live out the Gospel values. We are high achieving school, which is reflected in our academic results and sporting/cultural activities.
We are a family school with a maximum roll of 430 as set by our Integration Agreement. We focus on our key values of Perseverance, Commitment, Courage and Respect which are at the heart of Marian College. The school has a friendly atmosphere with teachers and students knowing each other well. Our pastoral care and support is based on small Wā Whānau groups, where students and teachers build connections over five years at Marian College. Class sizes at Marian College are strictly limited.
Our Enrolment Scheme contains useful information for all parents interested in enrolling a student at Marian College. If you are not a Catholic preference student, you can see the conditions in the scheme under which we may be able to take up to 5% non-Catholic students.
When submitting an enrolment, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive this, please resubmit, as your enrolment application has not been received.
Key Dates
20 May 2025: Open Day, BOOKINGS REQUIRED.
25 July 2025: 1pm: Year 9, 2026 enrolment applications close.
30 July 2025: Ballot if required.
31 July 2025: Enrolment results letters emailed.
11 August 2025: Last day for accepting a place.
Open Days
The Marian College Open Day is held annually in May and is an opportunity to meet our school community and learn more about the College. Registrations for Open Day will be available on our website from mid-March each year.
Enrolment Criteria
The Marian College Enrolment Scheme guides our enrolment process and outlines the priority criteria for selecting prospective students. For example, priority is given to preference students and those residing in qualifying Catholic parishes and attending Catholic primary schools. For more information about our different priority levels, please see the Marian College Enrolment Scheme on the website.
Preference Enrolment
In order to apply for enrolment as a Catholic preference student, you need to contact your local Parish Priest to discuss your eligibility for a preference certificate for Marian College. Your daughter may be eligible for preference of enrolment if:
Please contact the school office on 385 8449 if you have any questions regarding eligibility about preference.
Non Preference Enrolment
Non-preference students may be considered for enrolment only if enrolment places remain after all preference applicants have been enrolled and the total roll is still less than the maximum specified in our Integration Agreement.
The maximum number of places available for non-preference students will be governed by the maximum allowable under the College Integration Agreement, which for Marian College is 5% of the total roll.
Non-Preference applicants accept they will be attending a College of Catholic Special Character and that their place in the school is conditional on their participation in the Special Catholic Character of the College
Qualifying Parishes for Marian College means one of the following Catholic Parishes as defined by the Diocese:
Marian Foundation Scholarship
All students who are accepted into Year 9 at Marian College sit entrance tests early in Term 4 of the year prior to starting. The test results assist planning for the following school year.
A Marian Foundation academic scholarship is awarded based on entrance test results.
For more information about the Marian Foundation Scholarship, please see here.
Meet the Principal
Those who are offered and accept a place at Marian College will meet with the Principal prior to starting.
Contact Details
Fax +64 3 385 1022
General Enquiries:
Financial Enquiries:
Postal Address
2 Lydia Street
Christchurch 8052