Our Vision
Marian College is a Catholic community with a love of faith, learning and service for the common good.
Ko te Kāreti o Marian he hāpori Katorika e aroha ana ki te whakapono, ki te mātauranga, ki te rato mō te wairua pai o te tangata.
Our Mission
Marian College empowers young women to be confident, committed, faith-filled learners, enabling them to fulfil their potential and to contribute to the common good of society.
Mā mātou ngā taitamāhine e whakamana kia tū māia, kia tū manawanui, kia tū ngākau pono i te akoranga hei whakakaha i tō rātou pito mata, ā, mā rātou anō e whakarawe ana ki te wairua pai o te pāpori whānui.
Our Values
Courage, Kia māia, Lototele
Commitment, Kia ū, A'afiaga
Perseverance, Kia manawanui, Onosai i mea tiga
Respect, Whakaute, Fa'aaloalo
Marian College promotes the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The courage, commitment and perseverance attributed to Mary, the Mother of God, are modelled by both St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, foundress of the Sisters of St Joseph and the Venerable Catherine McAuley, foundress of the Sisters of Mercy.
The gospel values and the charisms of these two religious orders guide the spiritual life of our college.
At Marian College, we also foster New Zealand curriculum values – respect for self, others and the environment, as well as community and participation for the common good.
Our Motto
Tātātou ko Mere e whakapono ana - With Mary in Faith
This Marian College motto reflects the example that Mary, the Mother of God, provides to all of us. As the mother of Jesus Christ, Mary will provide us with an excellent example of faith in action, trusting in God’s will, personal courage and family loyalty.
Kia ngākau pono mō tō mātou wāheke - With faith in our Future
Marian College has adopted this additional motto, which reflects our confidence in an exciting future for Marian College.
Contact Details
Fax +64 3 385 1022
General Enquiries:
Financial Enquiries:
Postal Address
2 Lydia Street
Christchurch 8052