Our academic goal is to help students achieve to their best potential
We consistently perform significantly above the national level for all schools in New Zealand. During the past three years, our Level 1 NCEA results range from 95% - 99% pass, Level 2 from 90 - 95% and Level 3 from 80-95%.
Marian has a wide-ranging academic curriculum delivered by dedicated and talented staff.
All year 9 students study the same subjects. In subsequent years students are encouraged to choose subjects based on their strengths, interests and future career choice.
Learning support is provided for students identified as needing extra assistance.
The careers department has a number of students on gateway work placements.
Senior students are encouraged to take subjects according to their abilities and some take subjects across various year levels. The emphasis is on individual learning programmes according to individual needs.
Contact Details
Fax +64 3 385 1022
General Enquiries:
Financial Enquiries:
Postal Address
2 Lydia Street
Christchurch 8052