Congratulations on your acceptance to Marian College for 2025!  The staff and students are looking forward to you joining our school community.

Our first day for 2025 is Wednesday 29th January. However, we have a number of events to help you get to know our school better before then.

An Orientation Day for all new Year 9 students will take place on Friday, 1 November from 9.15am to 2.30pm.  Here students will meet Peer Support Leaders and undertake an entrance test.

See below for more details about this day.

A Special Character Information Evening will be held in Term 4 - date to be advised.

In mid-December, students will receive a letter from Peer Support Leaders as well as receive the stationery lists and information about the 2025 school year.



Friday 1 November 9.15am to 2.30pm

Marian College, 2 Lydia Street, Northcote

On Friday 1 November 2024 all ākonga (students) are required to attend an orientation day at Marian College. 

This is for our new Year 9 2025 ākonga only. Our peer support leaders and staff have planned activities to help welcome our new ākonga.  It is a first chance to meet others and feel comfortable about coming to Marian.

Parents, please drop your child off at the drop off zone/turning circle at the front entrance of our school no earlier than 9.00am for a 9.15am start. You can pick them up again from here at 2.30pm.

This day will also include some testing which will give us information to assist us with our planning for 2025. The Marian Foundation Scholarship is awarded based on the outcome of the entrance test results.

Students are to bring along a blue or black pen and drink bottle but do NOT need to bring a calculator, or food.  Lunch and morning tea will be provided - please advise of any dietary requirements.  They may also bring a mobile phone but this should be in a named plastic bag.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


August-September 2024: Meet the Principal

Friday 1 November 2024: Orientation Day

Term 4 (date TBA): Special Character Information Evening

Mid-December: Peer Support Leaders will be in touch

Wednesday 29 January 2025: First Day of School for Year 9

February 2025 (date TBA): Welcome Evening for Parents/Caregivers

Welcome to our Marian Whānau