Frequently Asked Questions about Marian College
We hope you will find this page helpful in answering your questions and finding out more about Marian College.
If what you're looking for isn't here - please phone the school office or email us - contact details are at the bottom of this page.
Marian College is a Catholic special character school under the State Integration Act.
The preference is for students to be Catholic, which is why the term ‘preference enrolment’ or ‘preference student’ is used.
Your daughter may be eligible for enrolment as a preference student if she is:
To confirm your daughter’s status as a preference student, a preference card, for Marian College, is required from a parish priest.
Under the Act, up to five percent of our total student roll may be ‘non-preference’ or ‘non-Catholic’ students provided there is less than 430 students after all Catholic applicants have enrolled.
If you have any questions, please contact the Marian College office.
Marian College is convienantly located near a number of bus routes. For more information click here
Yes. As of 2021, BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is now compulsory at Marian College.
The Stationery | BYOD Page has more information.
The cost of attending Marian College is comparable to other Catholic secondary schools in Christchurch.
In some instances Marian College is more affordable – for example some team sport uniforms are provided and fundraising, subsidising and grants help reduce the costs of school activities.
You can see a break-down of costs on the Fees Page.
Also, some financial contributions to the school are classed as a donation and are tax deductible.
This means you can claim back 33.33% of your contributions using the IR526 tax credit claim form.
If you purchase the summer, winter and PE uniform brand-new the cost all together will be around $1,000.00, which is comparable to other Catholic secondary schools.
Some pre-loved uniform items are available for purchase from the Marian College school office at half price.
Contact Details
Fax +64 3 385 1022
General Enquiries:
Financial Enquiries:
Postal Address
2 Lydia Street
Christchurch 8052